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Executive Search - Melt Group

What do companies ask of managers?

When recruiting a very talented person, the determining factor is to have an immediate and a longer-term challenge. The most important thing is what is offered to the candidate and what he/she is willing to accept. There are two types of managers, those who repeat experience and those who learn from it. This is linked to learning points, which are not weak points, but points of curiosity and growth.

We can define Executive Search as the Head Hunting technique specialized in the search for executive profiles, middle management and highly qualified personnel to fill a specific position in a company; it is a direct search for the executive, therefore, it differs considerably from traditional recruitment and selection techniques.

In this case, the professional profile we need is not usually in active search of employment, so the Executive Search expert must resort to different techniques to identify talent among highly qualified professionals, who are not active in the search for career opportunities.

Highly trained headhunters are in charge of locating these profiles for our clients. At Melt Group we have the advantage of experience. Our trajectory began with different Executive Search methodologies, which we have been implementing globally throughout all these years of experience.

4 Key factors of a good manager








Executive Search - Melt Group

If you need to fill an executive position with an experienced professional, who already has the necessary training to develop the job, it is essential to have the tools that a Human Resources and Executive Search consultancy, such as Melt Group, puts at your disposal.

Benefits of Executive Search for your organization

Executive Search companies have an important task ahead of us. Our commitment to our clients is fundamental and filling vacancies in record time is a priority. We seek optimal solutions that guarantee the entry of talent into companies. To this end, we have tailor-made candidate management systems and ad hoc protocols that help us to carry out high quality headhunting procedures.

At Melt Group we have extensive experience in the search for executive managers for companies in different sectors of activity.

We analyze the client’s requirements, in order to ensure that the selected candidate meets all of them.

We apply tailor-made protocols, which guarantee quick solutions and avoid waste of time and resources on the part of our clients.

We actively study our client’s needs and requirements, with the objective of finding the executive that best fits the position.

Our experience in recruiting personnel allows us to locate professionals who are a perfect match for the vacant position.

Exclusivity and privacy are values that define us in our Executive Search projects.

Benefits of Executive Search for your organization

Executive Search companies have an important task ahead of us. Our commitment to our clients is fundamental and filling vacancies in record time is a priority. We seek optimal solutions that guarantee the entry of talent into companies. To this end, we have tailor-made candidate management systems and ad hoc protocols that help us to carry out high quality headhunting procedures.

At Melt Group we have extensive experience in the search for executive managers for companies in different sectors of activity.

We analyze the client’s requirements, in order to ensure that the selected candidate meets all of them.

We apply tailor-made protocols, which guarantee quick solutions and avoid waste of time and resources on the part of our clients.

We actively study our client’s needs and requirements, with the objective of finding the executive that best fits the position.

Our experience in recruiting personnel allows us to locate professionals who are a perfect match for the vacant position.

Exclusivity and privacy are values that define us in our Executive Search projects.

Phases of the Executive Search method

Our approach at Melt Group is based on a meticulous process to ensure the selection of the best executive talent. The key phases of our method are described below.

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Customer interview

Dentro de los Executive Search Services de Melt Group destacamos la importancia de conocer perfectamente el negocio de cada cliente. Mediante una entrevista inicial y un posterior análisis de sus necesidades, nuestro equipo de consultores cualificados establece los objetivos a cubrir.

En este punto estudiamos todo lo relacionado con los Recursos Humanos en cada compañía. Definimos el puesto ejecutivo que debemos de cubrir y analizamos las cualidades que debe de tener el profesional para hacer matching en la empresa.


Profile research

Teniendo en cuenta que los profesionales para puestos directivos no están en las bolsas de empleo, es fundamental que nuestros asesores analicen a la competencia. Investigamos compañías en las que podemos encontrar el talento que necesitamos, con el fin de detectar posibles candidatos a reclutar.

Candidate recruitment

En este punto establecemos contacto directo y personalizado con los candidatos que se adaptan a los requerimientos iniciales.

Evaluation of professionals

Mediante entrevistas personales, nuestros headhunters, analizan las características y valores de los candidatos preseleccionados. El objetivo es acortar el número de profesionales, mediante una criba inicial. Para ello, profundizamos en la personalidad, cualidades y formación de cada candidato.

Si el cliente así lo desea, mantendremos en secreto el nombre de la empresa. De esta manera, los posibles candidatos no conocerán información sensible de la compañía hasta que el cliente lo considere oportuno.


Short List

Durante todas las fases anteriores del proceso de Executive Search hemos trabajado para realizar una pequeña lista de posibles candidatos, que entregamos a nuestro cliente, con el fin de que pueda valorar detenidamente. Siempre asesoramos en este punto, con el firme objetivo de que nuestra experiencia en RRHH se pueda aprovechar por la compañía.


En Melt Group te acompañamos en todo el camino de reclutamiento y selección de personal cualificado. Recibirás asesoramiento para negociar y contratar al ejecutivo. Tu éxito es también nuestro éxito.


El trabajo de Executive Search no termina con la contratación e incorporación del candidato en la empresa. Nuestra Consultoría de Recursos Humanos va más allá siempre. Con el fin de tener garantías de éxito realizamos un seguimiento del profesional contratado y analizamos la satisfacción de nuestro cliente tras todo el procedimiento.

La búsqueda y selección de directivos forma parte de las técnicas de Selección de Personal más avanzadas. Captar el mejor talento es la clave de todo este proceso, sin olvidarnos de la retención del personal ejecutivo altamente cualificado.

En Melt Group aportamos nuestra experiencia internacional en Executive Search y extrapolamos nuestros conocimientos a diferentes sectores de actividad. Contacta con nosotros y te facilitaremos toda la información necesaria al respecto.

Contact us

Fill out the form below to request more information about our services and one of our consultants will contact you to understand all the needs of your company and how best to help you and collaborate.